Saturday, December 17, 2011

Are Ethan's naps gone?

Ethan decided today that he didn't need to nap.  He did pretty well, playing and being relatively quiet.  I was wondering if this meant the end of naps altogether.

At 3:58 pm I thought Ethan was a little quiet so I checked up on him.  This is what I found:

I guess I don't have to worry about him phasing out the nap yet.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


My little baby is growing up.  At 2.5 he is sitting on the couch, relaxing with a book and drinking his milk.   When I ask him to please start getting ready so I can take him to daycare he says "I stay here.  You go by self Mummy" and waves me away.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The "Silent Killer"

I went to the doctor yesterday and we talked about my sinus problems - I will use a spray that will hopefully shrink my polyps and we will see how it is after a month or so.

The big news is that I have high blood pressure.  My top number was normal, but my bottom number was in the severe zone.  The doctor kept telling me it is a number usually seen only in the ER.  So, needless to say I am on a water pill to see if it helps lower my blood pressure.  And no more procrastinating on the exercise, it is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure.  I am supposed to lower my sodium as well.  I don't add salt when I cook, but I am guilty of using canned soup.  I'll have to change that.

 I have to get blood tests and an EKG on Friday morning at the hospital on Friday.  I will go back to the doctor in 2 weeks and see how my blood pressure is, if it is getting lower or if I need new medication.  I have a blood pressure monitor at home to track my BP.

Nothing like a good scare to get someone doing the right thing....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Am Not a Superhero

I am going to the doctor today.  I have been sick and tired for so long, every time I try to exercise and get in shape the natural way, my fatigue (or sickness) gets in the way.  I am starting to feel depressed about it, and that is a big alarm for me. Time for me to take control of my health.

My sinusitis has been out of control lately, I pretty much have a sinus headache 6 days out of 7.  I am pretty sure it is time for me have nasal polyps (growths) removed from my sinuses again, I have the symptoms I had before. I called the specialist who did it before, but because it has been more than 3 years I have to go through the referral process again.

Also, I am pretty sure I have high blood pressure.  I had hoped to control it by dropping weight and exercising, but my sinus problems pretty much make it impossible for me to do anything consistently.

I hope I can get these two problems addressed today, and maybe I will actually start feeling better soon.

Wish me luck, I am hoping these are the only problems I have....